
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Alexandrian Logic

There are 12 families of Greek industry inside the military traditions of Eastern Europe and the remodeling of the Roman church of secondary finance to counter its own function, the thief Cronos stole the ceremonial spear of Alexander and forced him into a more ambitious job (the of a general, instead of a pagan priest).   This created the counter-action to the pagan logic of Apollo and Athena, our rude racial slur for antagony logic, called Antigone, with the plays Oedipus and Antigone as a dual pair to demonstrate Narcissus, the logic of a man who refuses his ambition out of Echo, the theater psychologist (someone who wishes a position to be refused from use once discard). They practice the form of cane fighting, using a spear as a basic combat theory without actually employing a staff or stick or cane to fight, only as a basic set mantle piece in 'contracting', the trade of union dock in terms of being called in on a specific 'mob' contract - the colloquial term

The Cults of Ambition and their Basic Terms of Personality (The Children of Chronos)

Demeter (Anti-Assassin): The sniper is this one, not lost but since found, in the hearths of labor. That which is free is us, for those that have sought to destroy country are marked in open of honesty, and drafted into labor of a people's force, to defend the elders of old times against the true enemy, ourselves. That which has greed and that which defiles is the home of this land, for our old times have service and our young times have many assassins, those that seek the old blood of country. The simple game is here, can one extend the finger in freedom, or is it not closed to us, this place not free, and that which makes the hand of the rod first is the witch, the hunter, and that which marks the place as closed is the warlock, the smitten. Juno (Anti-Cheat): Literature education, that of an analysis form of literature in predicament of articulation.   Any of those cheating, will be given an assignment, and this is true of all who cheat since their assignment is phrased as &

Canes and Snares (Curses and Consequence)

The concept of a 'Cousin', a Scab, is that of a Contractor, as opposed to a 'Lodge', a Bonesman, a Specialist.  The prior, is a standard civilian with an exceptional skill passed down in family or tradition, both being a 'Ringer', family being a 'Fraud', and tradition being a 'Novice'.  The latter, is a priest, psychiatric agent, or cop, with the building tempo being a 'pig', 'cleric', or 'narco', the three ancient terms in 'westerns', used by acting staff (read: them), with any combination building being the upgrading groups.  Once you've crossed a Cousin, you go to Purgatory, the entire Bible found in these twelve curses, all major works of art and particular trade practices and concepts, rooted in daily practice enforced by the last three, the punishments, at the bottom, from having past burned a Scab and having been a 'Pickup Artist', you stole a girl or guy and put it in the theater, on 'Contra

Terms of Underworld Slang (Witchcraft Communities)

Ringer: A Gypsy, an individual who is an unbroken line, within wedlock, from Chronos,   with each child born inside a Christian ceremony, preferably Catholic (Sicilian tradition upheld), without purchase of diamond before wedding by woman (grounds for espionage treachery, induction of a Gypsy cross, through a proxy of secondary investment derivative into manner contrary to market expansion of principle holder of diamond), and with wedding token purchased without loan before wedding, with career established by husband. Fraud: A Romani, an individual who has been broken in line, possibly outside of wedlock, a child born Jewish, Muslim, or Protestant, in an Orthodoxy tradition of litigant conversion (breaking Sicilian or Greek or Serb tradition, a marriage to a blue eyed woman, not man), a purchase of a diamond having been made without consulting Iranians, Irish, or German "Gentiles" (those practicing simplified matching logic of law or artifice, i.e., persum non parta to th

Serb's Cross (Personal Cane Cadavre)

Individual Cane Pattern (Mars, Jehovah's Witness Stage Variant, Kurdish-Pictish Bi-Gene, Charlize Family - Hundred Years War, Third Crusade, American Revolution): Pattern: The standard pattern, is to determine which of twelve convents, of accepted lines, to be listed below and elsewhere, have been breached in criminal act, outside the Rom, and to label the criminal, with the name 'Wampir', for a Serb killer, not a killer of Serbs, for this is the test of the bagan, to see if they are lowly, to assume that a Serb killer, is Serbian, a Rom, or to see if they think a Serb killer, has killed or slain a Rom or Grecian.   The latter, of course, is a standard reasoning mind, not a donglemeier, the Hebrew term for a stolen child that has eat 'whet's oak', a truffle chocolate, and become 'dumm', not a dummy, the victim of a 'dumm', the dumm being a 'stout', a large child that copies another thinking to be a Rom, when they are in fact the victi

Curse Variations (Act and Profession)

Each of these, function by a support group, established by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Missionary: they caused a psychotic break with academics, now they spread witchcraft texts with free food, for an architecture base. Romani: they stole somehow, a life, a child, or an item. Rom: they tried stealing a family by patronage. Black: they assert skin color of any type, especially in jest, and can't learn to adapt to a system. Jew: they cheated by claiming opposite of fact of identity as intended similarity, for advantage of gain. Pikey: they emigrated with intent of taking advantage for their own country of origin in ethnic terms or local patronage aligning. Communist: they claim to support the people, despite supporting a closed ring separate from the commons. Gay: they claim to be humorous, despite lacking divinity of term beneath exterior, failing at the academics of medical neurology. Lesbian: they wish special rights, so they are separated, where there ar

Matching Sets of Trap (The Crosses and Hexes)

This is a crux set, for legal manifest of proper engineer, versus mismatch hence jobs denied. Roman is military, Greek is civilian. Helios/Apollo (Stage). Vespa/Athena (Psychology). Dionysus/Bacchus (Fraternity). Apollo and Athena, are required to be Greek, whereas Bacchus, is required to be Roman (Dionysus). Apollo/Athena, Apollo/Dionysus, Apollo/Athena/Dionysus, Athena/Dionysus, are all legal. Helios/Athena, Helios/Vespa, Helios/Dionysus, Helios/Bacchus, Helios/Athena/Dionysus, Helios/Athena/Bacchus, Apollo/Vespa, Apollo/Vespa/Dionysus, Apollo/Vespa/Bacchus, Apollo/Athena/Bacchus, Bacchus/Apollo, Bacchus/Apollo/Vespa, Bacchus/Helios/Athena,   Bacchus/Helios/Vespa, are all illegal.

Origin Regions Per Line

Demeter: Moldova. Juno: Athens. Jupiter: Corinth. Neptune: Europa. Pluto: Rome. Mars: Crete. Mercury: Macedon. Proserpina: Thrace. Somnabulus: Troy. Venus: Sparta. Vesta: Lesbos. Vulcan: Tuscany.